Monday, February 08, 2010

Cockatiel - What is it?

If you have not heard of cockatiels yet you will probably ask yourself what is a Cockatiel. A Cockatiel is the smallest specie of the parrot family. It is scientifically known as "Nymphicus hollandicusî and is sometimes called Wiero or Quarrion. They are the easiest pets to breed and are known to be the household pet in the entire universe. For caged birds, they are number 2 in popularity next to the Budgerigar.

Cockatiels are popularly known as crested parrot or the little cockatoo, since they are the smallest of the cockatoo family. They prefer to live in Bush land, wetlands, scrublands, and whole areas of inner Australia.

A typical Cockatiel is colored gray in the wild. Domesticated cockatiels, however, are bred to have different shades of peach, orange, gray, white and yellow. Cockatiels with these colors are known as silver, pied, pearl, cinnamon, and Lutino. They have the power to manipulate their mood and manner, when they are scared, sick and prying through their coat of arms, which is their most distinctive trademark.

Household or cockatiels are tame cockatiels can live 15 to 20 years and sometimes even 30 years. Living in the wild can make their life shortened because of the dangers they may encounter in the wild as carnivores. Yet the famous to be in high spirits and can be very social when with other birds. They fly in pairs or in groups in Australia typical ñ their residence.

Cockatiels have a social character in them that makes them great pets. They are sometimes rude and are intelligent and curious. A Cockatiel has been tamed would love to be with their owners and love to hang out in their rearing their heads or shoulders. They would even join their owners in the bath, and when dinner. Most of the cockatiels can whistle and speak well, are men.

The time you will spend with your pet bird is important when planning to have a pet Cockatiel. They tend to get bored when they are lonely, and if you know you will not be able to spend much time with your pet, get a second for him to have a business, would be a good idea. Just remember that two birds will give you a hard time domesticating them and they will most likely ignore you because the other birds that they live with.

If so, make sure you get your birds one by one, and that the bird is bred before bringing him home so he can be sociable with you and other people. Keep new birds away from the other, until the time that they are accustomed to having him around, and that he is open to people. Ask handfed cockatiels for best results.

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