Monday, February 08, 2010

Clipping Your Bird's Wing

Clipping your bird's wings, it is easy-when your veterinarian show you how. 

Clipping your bird's feathers is recommended that every bird owner. Most bird owners will leave that to trained veterinary staff, but this article will explain how to do it. Clipping the bird's feathers will stop them from flying away during training, while providing them the opportunity to fly short distances. It would also be beneficial to the bird itself, as they will be more suited to their environment.

No matter how you make bird secure your home, there will always be a risk for you bird. The clipping of feathers has been shown to keep birds safe from accidental damage.

How to clip feathers

Clipping a bird feather is a relatively easy task. I would recommend getting a professional to show you how to perform this task before trying it yourself. Bird traps like most animals. This is painless for the bird, but because of this clip your bird feathers is something to be done regularly:

What you need: scissors, baking powder

1. Always use sharp scissors.

2. Cut away from the bird's body.

3. Cut the longest feather, these are the flight feathers and will reduce power.

4. Using dorsal majors and a guide and cut just below these. Cutting in the blood feather will cause pain and discomfort to your bird. Using these as a guide will eliminate this.

5. All of your scissors is another essential element baking powder or soda. If you do cut into any blood feather, use baking powder. This will stop the bleeding.

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