Saturday, February 27, 2010

What we must do Old Dog Incontinence

Let me tell you a story about urinary incontinence in dogs. Jane Smith's beloved old PET has suddenly started to dribble urine. Urine puddles show up throughout the house. The hair on his dog's bottom is wet from the constant dribbling, and the smell is overwhelming. She fears the worst, thinking that there is no cure for incontinence in dogs. She’s worried that her beloved friend is no help. 

Older Why is my dog incontinent?

There are many reasons for this condition. Two common conditions that cause the old dog incontinence is a bladder infection or a weak bladder sphincter. 

Urinary tract infections in dogs is a leading cause of old dog incontinence, especially in women. Your veterinarian may want to do a urine culture to ensure that it is an infection, and determine what causes it. Most urinary tract infections in dogs caused by E. coli or staph, although they can sometimes be caused by a yeast infection. 

A weak bladder sphincter is common in large female dogs have been sterilized, and in older males. Sphincter muscles relax, either because of hormone imbalance or age. 

How does your vet Treat Stress incontinence in dogs?

Urinary tract infections in dogs are usually treated with antibiotics. Symptoms will usually disappear within a few days, but it is necessary to complete all of the medicine. If your dog was incontinent due to a bladder infection, that problem should disappear quickly. 

A weak bladder sphincter can be treated with hormone therapy. Females receive DES (diethylstilbestrol), while men are treated with testosterone. Your veterinarian can test to a substance that acts on nerves in the muscles of the sphincter to help it close better. This substance can be used in combination with hormonal therapy too. 

Natural Remedies and incontinent dogs 

The treatments your veterinarian has been very effective, but side effects are always a possibility. Antibiotics destroy all the bacteria in the body, both beneficial and harmful. This means that your dog can get another bladder infection once the antibiotic course is finished. 

Hormone treatment is started and can be expensive, while the medicines used for sphincter nerves can cause irritability, appetite suppression, and blood pressure changes. 

Prescription medications can treat symptoms but do not address the causes of the problem. 

What happened to Jane's dog?

Jane took her dog to the vet for a check-up and found that a weak bladder sphincter causing the problem. Jane began to give her dog hormone, along with prescription drugs listed above. But the treatment was expensive and she was very concerned about side effects of his old friend. 

Jane began researching herbal and homeopathic remedies for bladder problems in dogs. She learned that herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies for urinary problems work equally well on pets, as they do on people. Jane decided to try a natural remedy, and found that it was safe and effective, without worry about side effects. 

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